You’ll never be alone – dog befriends mourning dolphin

Narrated from: Dog Stories

Dolphins and dogs have to support each other.

This may sound strange, since the species have very little in common – except that they harbor this strange love for the one species that is destroying the planet (that’s us, folks!).

However, it turns out that living in completely different environments can never stop true friendship!

The Dolphin

The main dolphin in this story is called Duggie. She lives around Tory Island, off the coast of Ireland. Duggie is a delicate flower, belonging to the bottle-nose dolphin group, and settled there in 2006, to the surprise and delight of the locals.

Of course, naming her took some time, especially since initially everyone believed that Duggie was male – and because of her acrobatic tricks, they named her after local dancer Willie Duggan.

The Tragedy

In 2006, when Duggie first appeared on Tory Island, the lifeless body of a male dolphin was washed up on the coast.

After it was discovered that Duggie was a girl, people came up with the theory that this had been Duggie’s mate – and dolphins mate for life. The dancing lady of Tory Island was in fact a lonely widow…

The mourning lady

Fortunately, Duggie still manages to find pleasure in life even after her mate’s death. She loves to play with the locals, enjoys their attention and never fails to perform whenever a crowd gathers to admire her from the local quay.

However, one of the brightest things to happen to Duggie was that she found a new friend – and a most unexpected one too!

The dog

His name is Ben, and he is a Yellow Labrador – and fortunately, Labs are no land-loving rats, and enjoy dipping in the sea now and then.

However, Ben formed a special relationship with Duggie – special enough to lead him to the local harbor almost every day!

The dog would descend some stairs leading to sea level, and jump right in – and almost at once, he would be joined by a graceful dolphin! The two new friends would then spend some blissful time playing together and swimming in the harbor – with the dolphin making circles around the dog of course, but never leaving him behind!

The friendship of a dog

As you see, a dog will never let you down – even if you are mourning alone at the bottom of the sea. Animals can sometimes feel when their loved ones are in pain, and try to help them as they might – for a lonely dolphin, a little company is always a good start! And things are looking brighter for Duggie, since Ben was soon to be joined by some of the local collies as well.

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