Pet Poisons that may be in Your Home or Yard Right Now!

Narrated from: Dog Health

There are many hazards around your home that are very toxic to dogs, and now is the very best time to make sure they are out of the reach of your puppy or dog. Everyone is probably already familiar with the hazards of anti-freeze that is used to keep cars from freezing in the cold weather. It has a sweet flavor and many kids and animals lose their life to it annually. There is currently a bill in Congress in the United States that requests a chemical to be added to it that will deter dogs and kids from tasting the sweetness of antifreeze. You may have heard of the toxicity levels of chocolate to dogs. It is true that chocolate is toxic to dogs so never feed it to your dog. It acts as a slow poison in their system and can take several hours for any symptoms to show themselves, but within only twenty-four hours of the onset your dog is likely to die if he does not receive immediate and adequate medical care. 

Onions are very toxic to your furry friend so be sure he or she does not have the opportunity to ingest one. Onion toxicity takes time to act as it travels through your pet’s circulatory system. Within a week of ingesting an onion his red blood cells will begin to burst as they travel through his system. This reaction can occur with any type of onion whether they are fresh, dried, frozen or cooked. Even garlic in large amounts is toxic to dogs. Many people sprinkle garlic over their dog’s food in an effort to ward off fleas, not knowing that this can be very harmful to their dog. Mushrooms are another thing found in most kitchens in one form or another and they too are toxic to your dog. Even a small handful of grapes or raisins will make your dog ill but much more than that you could lose your faithful friend. Macadamia nuts, as well as many other kinds of nuts, are very high in phosphorus content and can lead to bladder and kidney stones, tremors and even paralysis, before death occurs.

Not only foods in your kitchen can be toxic to dogs; so can flowers and plants that may be around inside or outside of your house. As beautiful as the spring in bloom can be, dangers lie in plants that can pose a very dangerous risk to our pets. There is an extensive list of plants that are toxic to dogs which includes Asiatic and Japanese lilies that can cause kidney failure but these are rare in the United States, however. More common plants are things like tulips, hyacinths and daffodils and their bulbs are very dangerous, so keep your unplanted bulbs put away until you are ready to transfer to soil. You will need to make sure you have a secure fence to keep your dog out of your garden once they are planted.

Beware of your dog if he is near azaleas, English ivy, Johnson grass, Jimson weed, elephant ears, narcissus, oleander, rosary pea, rhubarb, potatoes, turkey skin and even sugarless candy! All of these things can cause severe illness and even death to your furry friend! There is a National Hotline you can call if you are ever in doubt about something your dog has eaten. Better safe than sorry!


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